Posted by Corey Cacic • 04 February, 2021
By connecting your Xero account and importing your contacts, envelopes you send for digital signing can automatically be filed and tracked in one simple and intuitive interface.
Once connected, Annature will automatically detect new entries added to your Xero contacts as well as updates to existing entries to keep your contacts in sync, so you don't need to worry about it once the configuration is set up.
How do I import my Xero contacts?
To import your Xero contacts to your Annature address book, log in to the Annature dashboard and go to the Integrations page. Locate the Xero integration card and click Import contacts.
You will then be prompted with a window, asking if you would like to share the imported contacts with other accounts in your Annature organisation or group.
If you do not wish to share your imported contacts with any other accounts in your Annature organisation, proceed by clicking Continue. Otherwise, you can toggle one of the sharing options depending on which one meets your criteria.
Your Xero contacts will then begin importing in to your Annature address book. Depending on how many contacts you have in Xero, this process may take up to 30 seconds.