Posted by Corey Cacic • 25 September, 2020
This guide takes a look at the Email notifications page in Annature.
This page is only accessible by administrators, and can be used to change the behaviour of email attachments that envelope recipients receive on completion.
Email attachments
When an envelope has been completed, all parties of the envelope receive a completion email with the signed and sealed documents attached along with the certificate of completion.
This completion email also contains a link which can be used to view and download the documents directly from Annature securely.
Using the options available on this page, you can control the behaviour of email attachments by turning them off altogether. When your envelopes contain more than one document, you can also choose to send each document as an individual attachment, instead of them being combined into a zip file.
When you send an envelope to a recipient, the name of the sender is determined by the business name on your organisation settings or your branding settings if they have been set.
Using the options available on this page, you can change this behaviour and instead use the full name of the sender instead of the business name.
In the example below, the option has been left with the default setting of off, and the name of the business can be seen in the "from" field on the email.
In the example below, the option to use the name of the sender instead of the business name has been turned on, and the sender name can be seen in the "from" field on the email.