Automatic reminders

Posted by Corey Cacic • 04 December, 2020

Automatic reminders can be used to send follow up emails to recipients automatically. When you turn on automatic reminders for your organisation, you need to specify how often to send reminder emails and the total number of times before stopping.

Reminder settings
For example, with the settings shown below, a recipient that was sent an envelope on the 1st of December would receive a follow up email on the 8th of December, the 15th of December and on the 22nd of December before stopping.

Sending reminders by SMS
By default, automatic reminders are only sent to recipients by email and do not incur additional fees and charges. You can enable reminders to also send by SMS when a recipient has a mobile number, though each reminder will incur a per-use fee according to your subscription details.

Audit log
Each time a follow up email is sent to a recipient, an event is recorded in the envelope's audit log. You can refer to the audit log at any time to find out how many reminders a recipient has received